Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 7

The school year is winding down!  Finished some auditions at the MS today.  Did a little planning at the HS.  More of the same for tomorrow.

Map of Day  7:

Total distance: 1.97 miles
Total time: 30 minutes

Current weight: 227.5 lbs
Walk pace: 16:49 /mi
Run pace: 11:40 /mi

A little hot, but not a bad run.  Ran around 6:30 PM.  I'll probably run a little later next time.  Knees are aching pretty badly during and after my runs now, but other than that I'm feeling good.  The pacing changed for Week 3.  It is now run 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, run 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes.  You rep this twice with a five minute warmup and a five minute cooldown.  I'm thinking that now would be a good time to invest in some real running shoes.

Day 7 complete!

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