Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 11

We ran in the Komen Race for the Cure 5K this morning.  It was pretty awesome!  Over 10,000 racers came out to participate.  This isn't the first time that I've run 3.2 miles, but it is the first time I've actually done a 5K race.

I ran Day 2 of Week 4 for the race.  I walked the last 8 minutes and ran the last 20 seconds or so for my wife's picture. 

Map of Day 11:

Total distance: 2.40 miles (Up from 2.3 miles)
Total time: 31.5 minutes

Current weight: 228.0 lbs
Walk pace: 17:06 /mi
Run pace: 10:32 /mi

Slightly slower walk pace, but run pace increased by over a minute!  It was pretty toasty and humid outside, so I would like to stick to my early morning runs in the future. 

Obviously, the info above is only for the workout for C25K.  I walked out the rest of the race, with a spurt of running at the very end.  I am pretty excited that I finished the race, and could still breathe and talk!

We went out to IHOP after the race and had some good socializing with our Sunday school class.  Then I went and wandered aimlessly around the mall with Katie!  : )  Now, I'm going to go watch Inception and probably fall asleep and  experience my own dream within a dream.

Day 11 complete!

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