Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 8

Schoooooooooooooooool's out for summer!  The graduation festivities have gotten in the way of my running for this week, but so is life.   : )  I'm really proud of all of the graduating band students.  They are leaders in so many aspects of their lives, and I am gracious for being a part of their education!  I can't wait to see them return next year at Homecoming.

We have church today then we are going to jazz band pianist's solo recital.  I'm very excited for that.  I know she'll do a fantastic job.

Map of Day  8:

Total distance: 1.97 miles
Total time: 30 minutes

Current weight: 228.5 lbs (I blame this on Gloria's!)
Walk pace: 17:24 /mi
Run pace: 11:57 /mi

Katie ran with me today and we started at 6:25 AM.  It was fun to run in the morning, but wow does Melissa STINK at that time!  I don't know if dogs had been out takin' care of business the whole morning or what, but it was pretty rank.  Never had to worry about the heat which was nice.  We had to wait on a guy pulling out of his driveway, so that set us back a little, but we added a quick little run at the end to catch back up.  When we reached the halfway point, we were quite a ways behind where I was last run.  We were able to make the second half of our run a little faster to catch up and it worked out great.  I'm really excited the second half was faster...if I want a part to get quicker, this is the part!

My knee is starting to hurt at the beginning and middle of the run, but by the time I get home I don't notice it.  When I go into the doctor for my summer checkup, I'll bring it up and see what he says.  Shins hurt pretty bad at the very beginning of the first jog portion, but it goes away after about a minute and never returns.

I'm so glad for the summer.  Now I feel like I can make the every other day run without any problems.

Day 8 complete!

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