Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 18

I updated my iPhone yesterday and my c25k app got deleted....

I'm using one iTunes account.  I seriously wish that Apple would figure that crap out.  I want the apps on my phone to stay there, and I want the stuff on my computer to stay there.  I don't four hundred questions about which apps to sync...especially when it is all marked DON'T SYNC.

Good thing I'm OCD about my running and have a great log here!

This was the longest straight jog that I have done in this training.  Here's the schedule:

5 minute warmup
25 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 18:

Total distance: 2.60 miles (.2 more than last run)
Total time: 35 minutes

Current weight: 225.5
Walk pace: 16:57 /mi (23 seconds slower)
Run pace: 12:43 /mi (18 seconds slower)

This was a good 25 minute jog.  Mile 1 was a fast pace about 9:30 /mi.  Mile 1.5-2 was an average (slower) pace.  I picked it up for the last bit of the jog/walking.  Great breathing this rep, and only minor pain in my right shin.  I need to force myself to actually run more often during my jogs.  I've gotten to where I can regain my breath and slow down my heart rate while I'm running, so it's easier to stay in the jog groove.  So easy, I sometimes slow down too much, when I could still be pushing!

On to Week 7.  No more walking in the middle of runs from now on.  Bring it on!  Surely by the end of Week 8 I can have my distance up to 3.1 miles.  : )

Day 18 complete!

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