Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 13

There's a new running schedule for Week 5:

5 minute warmup
5 minute jog
3 minute walk
5 minute jog
3 minute walk
5 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day  13:

Total distance: 2.33 miles
Total time: 31 minutes

Current weight: 225.5 lbs (4 days in a row with weight loss!)
Walk pace: 16:13 /mi (40 seconds faster)
Run pace: 11:05 /mi (58 seconds faster)

For 6:45 AM it was pretty hot outside.  I was happy with my first two jogging sections, but the last one was mostly up hill and I was really unsuccessful at maintaining a good pace.  I was at about 10:00 /mi for the first two (awesome!) but the last chunk brought my pace WAY down.  : (
On Friday, I jog for 8 minutes, walk for 5, then jog 8.  On Sunday, I jog for 20 without walking.

Day 13 complete!

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