Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 9

Great summer.  So far I have done absolutely nothing.  I tried to do some research on genealogy, but quickly realized that I am at a brick wall with the people that I want to know more about. 

I'm now using two apps with my runs: Nike+ GPS and Couch to 5K

The C25K app is great in that it is completely programed for the specific intervals that I need to be running.  It also has some great record tracking in it.  It puts my run/walk pace on separate graphs.  I like it.  CON:  It stops recording EVERYTHING as soon as I get to the end of my 5 minute cooldown.  On my current route, I am usually 0.05 mi from my house at that point, so the distance and time spent running it tracks is not totally accurate.  Also, sometimes it shows that I'm crossing a street when I'm not....weird.

The Nike+ GPS app is great too, and it fills in for the inadequacies of the C25K app.  The GPS tracking on it is seemingly more accurate.  I can have this running in the background and it will track my full distance for the day.  It is not setup for interval training and does not distinguish between running and walking, so it's pace record is not accurate.

I'll be using these apps to record better my stats for the runs.  The running maps will probably show a slightly different distance that what I actually ran.

Map of Day  9:

Total distance: 1.97 miles
Total time: 29 minutes

Current weight: 227.5 lbs
Walk pace: 17:11 /mi
Run pace: 11:09 /mi

I pushed my running speed much more in the first two sections of running.  I took the last 1.5 and 3 minute runs pretty normal, until the last minute of the 3 minute run.  I pushed that pretty hard.

Updating the last weeks worth of posts to include walk/run pace and adjusting time and distance appropriately.

Thus concludes Week 3.

Day 9 complete!

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