Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 6

It's the last week of school!  We're staying busy by finishing up leadership interviews at the high school and final exam playing tests at the middle school.  Katie and I are trying to get the Graftons to go to dinner and a movie tonight (voting for Hangover 2). 

On Saturday, I woke up at 3:30 AM and left the high school at about 4:45 AM driving the equipment truck down to Pfluegerville for State Solo and Ensemble.  We had 2 Marimba solos, 1 xylophone solo, and 2 percussion ensembles performing (in addition to the multitude of other band students).  One soloist received a 1 on his solo.  I'm really proud of Brian he is going to be a great leader and player.  Here's hoping that he sticks with music!  His brother was the xylophonist and he received a 2.  I thought that he played great.  Very accurate, musical, and technically correct.  I thought that the feedback was good, but is it weird to think that he gave him a two because he was playing a 2-mallet solo?  All that I know is, Jeffrey played the snot out of that piece, and I'm very lucky to have such a talented student in the percussion studio.  The top band ensemble received a 1 on their performance of Identity Crisis.  It wasn't our best showing for that piece, but I was still very proud of how they played.  When we finished the judge gave no verbal comments, which weirded out the kids.  He did write a thesis on our performance, so that is good, but I thought it was strange since our room was 30 minutes ahead of schedule.  The second band ensemble received a 2 for their Metric Lips performance.  If I never have to hear that piece again, I will be happy.  The bad news about that is, KIDS FREAKING LOVE IT!  This means that I will end up giving it to some group of kids every 4 years...

Map of Day  6:

Total distance: 1.97 miles
Total time: 30 minutes

Current weight: 227.5 lbs

I took today's jogging portions at a slightly faster pace, and it showed with my time getting shaved down by 4 minutes.  It was a freaking hot run.  I ran from 4:30 PM to just before 5:00 PM.  It was very humid and I was really having trouble breathing.  Not a fun run today.

Day 6 complete!

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