Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 15

I had some computer problems, and I am using my friend's laptop to write this post.  I'm down in Belton, TX, for a drum camp.  This run was my first 20 minute straight run, and I did it at home in Melissa.

Map of Day  15:

Total distance: 2.15 miles
Total time: 30.5 minutes

Current weight: ??? (Didn't check that day, and I don't have a scale now)
Walk pace: ??? (app error)
Run pace: ??? (app error)

I made it through this run without stopping, which was my goal.  I did add in some running, but only a little.  I was just glad I finished without skipping anything!  My app recording all of my running and walking under the "Walk Pace," so that got screwed up and everything was averaged.  I need to start pushing myself to jog a little faster.  My walk pace is gradually getting faster, but I think that I can start jogging faster for more immediate gains.  The distance I jogged today was the same as what I walked/ran at the Komen Race for the Cure 5K (minus the additional 12 minutes of walking at the end!)

I am VERY pleased with my progress.  : )

Day 15 complete!

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