Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 19

Long days and pleasant nights, do ya kinnit?

5 minute warmup
25 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 19:

Total distance: 2.73 miles (.13 more than last run)
Total time: 35 minutes

Current weight: 224.0
Walk pace: 15:1 /mi (52 seconds faster)
Run pace: 12:22 /mi (21 seconds faster)

Run and walk pace were improved and I went further, so today was a sucess.  I maintained between a 9 1/2 min to a 10 min/mi for the first half of the work out according to my Nike +GPS app!  Around there, my lower back really started to ache, and my right shin is bothering me.  Going to go ice it down.  It usually goes away by the next morning.

In three weeks, I'll be running at least a 30 min 5k!  : )

Day 19 complete!


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