Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 16

There's a new running schedule for this, the first day of Week 6:

5 minute warmup
5 minute jog
3 minute walk
8 minute jog
3 minute walk
5 minute jog

5 minute cooldown

I am in disbelief that I have continued to run for 6 weeks!  I am very proud of my progress, and I can't wait to continue to improve.

Map of Day  16:

Total distance: 2.44 miles
Total time: 34 minutes

Current weight: ??? (still unsure and away from scale)
Walk pace: 15:44 /mi (fastest this has ever been!!!)
Run pace: 12:44 /mi (31 seconds faster)

It's a LOT more hilly in Belton than in Melissa.  This much more of a city run than what I am used to as well.  I also think that I saw a drug deal go down on my run today.  A man rolled up next to a house, leaned across the front seat and motioned for someone to come to him.  About 30 seconds later, a small child (approx. 7-8 yo) runs to his car, glances both directions, leans into the car, talks to the man for a second, opens the door to the car, gets in the passenger seat, and the man starts to creep forward.  All the while the man and boy are talking and I see some upper arm movement from the man.  He advances two houses down the block, stops in the middle of the road, the boy hops out and glances both ways before running back to his porch.  The man then does a 5 point turn-around in the middle of the road and comes back down the neighborhood road, seemingly to avoid going onto the major road less than 20 yards from where he is.  EXCITING!

This is the longest distance that I have actually traveled in a workout!  I am not including the 5K since that took me an extra 15 longer than my real workout.  My right shin hurt a little bit today (the day after the run,) but overall I feel good/tired.

Day 16 complete!

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