Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 20

To Recap:
49 days since I began running.  The furthest that I have run without stopping is about 2 miles.  I could go longer.  25 days and 7.5 lbs since I began really watching what I ate.  If I did a 5k tomorrow, I would be able to do it in around 35 minutes.  I would say that overall, I'm very proud of my progress.  This post's run is from Saturday, July 2.

Today's Run:
5 minute warmup
25 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day  20:

Total distance: 2.60 miles (.13 less than last run)
Total time: 35 minutes

Current weight: 224.5
Walk pace: 16:18 /mi (1:08 seconds slower)
Run pace: 12:20 /mi (2 seconds faster)

Note to self....don't tell C25K app that you are done when there is 5 seconds left!  It thinks you are a quitter!!!  Dumb.  Luckily, it did save all my info.  It just didn't complete that day with a green dot, and darn it, I want my green dot!
Took Katie's water belt today.  Don't think I really need that yet.  Wore my perscription sunglasses (cool) and they worked great.

Day 20 complete!

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