Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 19

Long days and pleasant nights, do ya kinnit?

5 minute warmup
25 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 19:

Total distance: 2.73 miles (.13 more than last run)
Total time: 35 minutes

Current weight: 224.0
Walk pace: 15:1 /mi (52 seconds faster)
Run pace: 12:22 /mi (21 seconds faster)

Run and walk pace were improved and I went further, so today was a sucess.  I maintained between a 9 1/2 min to a 10 min/mi for the first half of the work out according to my Nike +GPS app!  Around there, my lower back really started to ache, and my right shin is bothering me.  Going to go ice it down.  It usually goes away by the next morning.

In three weeks, I'll be running at least a 30 min 5k!  : )

Day 19 complete!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 18

I updated my iPhone yesterday and my c25k app got deleted....

I'm using one iTunes account.  I seriously wish that Apple would figure that crap out.  I want the apps on my phone to stay there, and I want the stuff on my computer to stay there.  I don't four hundred questions about which apps to sync...especially when it is all marked DON'T SYNC.

Good thing I'm OCD about my running and have a great log here!

This was the longest straight jog that I have done in this training.  Here's the schedule:

5 minute warmup
25 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 18:

Total distance: 2.60 miles (.2 more than last run)
Total time: 35 minutes

Current weight: 225.5
Walk pace: 16:57 /mi (23 seconds slower)
Run pace: 12:43 /mi (18 seconds slower)

This was a good 25 minute jog.  Mile 1 was a fast pace about 9:30 /mi.  Mile 1.5-2 was an average (slower) pace.  I picked it up for the last bit of the jog/walking.  Great breathing this rep, and only minor pain in my right shin.  I need to force myself to actually run more often during my jogs.  I've gotten to where I can regain my breath and slow down my heart rate while I'm running, so it's easier to stay in the jog groove.  So easy, I sometimes slow down too much, when I could still be pushing!

On to Week 7.  No more walking in the middle of runs from now on.  Bring it on!  Surely by the end of Week 8 I can have my distance up to 3.1 miles.  : )

Day 18 complete!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 17

My schedule has changed again.  This is Day 2 of week 6:

5 minute warmup
10 minute jog
3 minute walk
10 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 17:

Total distance: 2.40 miles (.4 less than last run)
Total time: 33 minutes (1 minute less than last run)

Current weight: ??? (unsure; away from scale)
Walk pace: 16:34 /mi (about 1 minute slower)
Run pace: 12:25 /mi (19 seconds faster**)

This was on my last day at my friends' house after the past week of teaching drum camp.  It was relatively cool outside, but there was sadly not much of a breeze.  My pace was great for the first 10 minute jog, but just okay for the second one.  I want that to get better.  Pretty much the same distance as last time, considering that I ran for 1 minute less.  I have a slight ache in my right knee, but it goes away as soon as I start walking instead of jogging.  I am not slowing down because I get winded, but because my legs get tired.  I probably just need to keep building muscle mass to improve on that. 

Monday is my longest straight running day, so hopefully I can keep a great pace and improve on my performance from Day 15!!!  I may run tomorrow if I get in the mood.  : )

Day 17 complete!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 16

There's a new running schedule for this, the first day of Week 6:

5 minute warmup
5 minute jog
3 minute walk
8 minute jog
3 minute walk
5 minute jog

5 minute cooldown

I am in disbelief that I have continued to run for 6 weeks!  I am very proud of my progress, and I can't wait to continue to improve.

Map of Day  16:

Total distance: 2.44 miles
Total time: 34 minutes

Current weight: ??? (still unsure and away from scale)
Walk pace: 15:44 /mi (fastest this has ever been!!!)
Run pace: 12:44 /mi (31 seconds faster)

It's a LOT more hilly in Belton than in Melissa.  This much more of a city run than what I am used to as well.  I also think that I saw a drug deal go down on my run today.  A man rolled up next to a house, leaned across the front seat and motioned for someone to come to him.  About 30 seconds later, a small child (approx. 7-8 yo) runs to his car, glances both directions, leans into the car, talks to the man for a second, opens the door to the car, gets in the passenger seat, and the man starts to creep forward.  All the while the man and boy are talking and I see some upper arm movement from the man.  He advances two houses down the block, stops in the middle of the road, the boy hops out and glances both ways before running back to his porch.  The man then does a 5 point turn-around in the middle of the road and comes back down the neighborhood road, seemingly to avoid going onto the major road less than 20 yards from where he is.  EXCITING!

This is the longest distance that I have actually traveled in a workout!  I am not including the 5K since that took me an extra 15 longer than my real workout.  My right shin hurt a little bit today (the day after the run,) but overall I feel good/tired.

Day 16 complete!

Day 15

I had some computer problems, and I am using my friend's laptop to write this post.  I'm down in Belton, TX, for a drum camp.  This run was my first 20 minute straight run, and I did it at home in Melissa.

Map of Day  15:

Total distance: 2.15 miles
Total time: 30.5 minutes

Current weight: ??? (Didn't check that day, and I don't have a scale now)
Walk pace: ??? (app error)
Run pace: ??? (app error)

I made it through this run without stopping, which was my goal.  I did add in some running, but only a little.  I was just glad I finished without skipping anything!  My app recording all of my running and walking under the "Walk Pace," so that got screwed up and everything was averaged.  I need to start pushing myself to jog a little faster.  My walk pace is gradually getting faster, but I think that I can start jogging faster for more immediate gains.  The distance I jogged today was the same as what I walked/ran at the Komen Race for the Cure 5K (minus the additional 12 minutes of walking at the end!)

I am VERY pleased with my progress.  : )

Day 15 complete!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 14

There's a new running schedule for this, the second day of Week 5:

5 minute warmup
8 minute jog
5 minute walk
8 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day  14:

Total distance: 2.10 miles
Total time: 31 minutes

Current weight: 225.0 lbs (5 days in a row with weight loss!)
Walk pace: 16:15 /mi (2 seconds slower)
Run pace: 13:15 /mi (2 minutes slower)

I did the jogging portions all very slowly (compared to the last week's worth of runs).  I really wanted to make sure that I would be able to make it through 8 minutes of running, without wimping out and stopping early.  I totally succeded.  I was not winded at all and I will definitely take things at a faster pace next time.  I am planning on interspersing actual running with my jogging for Sunday.  Sunday I move on to a 20 minute jog with 5 minute warmup/cooldown.

Next week, I get to see how my running skills hold up down in Belton, TX!  I'll be down there to work at my buddie's drumline camp.  It's going to be pretty awesome.  : )  It's okay, I really do enjoy working during my summer!
Day 14 complete!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 13

There's a new running schedule for Week 5:

5 minute warmup
5 minute jog
3 minute walk
5 minute jog
3 minute walk
5 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day  13:

Total distance: 2.33 miles
Total time: 31 minutes

Current weight: 225.5 lbs (4 days in a row with weight loss!)
Walk pace: 16:13 /mi (40 seconds faster)
Run pace: 11:05 /mi (58 seconds faster)

For 6:45 AM it was pretty hot outside.  I was happy with my first two jogging sections, but the last one was mostly up hill and I was really unsuccessful at maintaining a good pace.  I was at about 10:00 /mi for the first two (awesome!) but the last chunk brought my pace WAY down.  : (
On Friday, I jog for 8 minutes, walk for 5, then jog 8.  On Sunday, I jog for 20 without walking.

Day 13 complete!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 12

We went to an amazing wedding yesterday.  I'm so excited for Andy and Jennifer!  : ) 

Began my run at about 7:00 AM and I took a different route this time.

Map of Day  12:

Total distance: 2.22 miles
Total time: 31.5 minutes

Current weight: 226.5 lbs
Walk pace: 16:58 /mi (slightly faster)
Run pace: 12:03 /mi (quite a bit slower)

I've been having some computer problems (random BSOD supposedly caused by hardware problems).  I have a feeling it is my graphics card, but I'm still trying to figure that out.  I'm writing this up a day after I ran.  Here's hoping I can fix the problem!

Tomorrow morning I start Week 5.  According to other blogs, this is the week that weeds out the men from the boys. 

Day 12 complete!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 11

We ran in the Komen Race for the Cure 5K this morning.  It was pretty awesome!  Over 10,000 racers came out to participate.  This isn't the first time that I've run 3.2 miles, but it is the first time I've actually done a 5K race.

I ran Day 2 of Week 4 for the race.  I walked the last 8 minutes and ran the last 20 seconds or so for my wife's picture. 

Map of Day 11:

Total distance: 2.40 miles (Up from 2.3 miles)
Total time: 31.5 minutes

Current weight: 228.0 lbs
Walk pace: 17:06 /mi
Run pace: 10:32 /mi

Slightly slower walk pace, but run pace increased by over a minute!  It was pretty toasty and humid outside, so I would like to stick to my early morning runs in the future. 

Obviously, the info above is only for the workout for C25K.  I walked out the rest of the race, with a spurt of running at the very end.  I am pretty excited that I finished the race, and could still breathe and talk!

We went out to IHOP after the race and had some good socializing with our Sunday school class.  Then I went and wandered aimlessly around the mall with Katie!  : )  Now, I'm going to go watch Inception and probably fall asleep and  experience my own dream within a dream.

Day 11 complete!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 10

I'm pretty excited for Super 8 to come out.  Evidently there was a super secret early release last night, but I got the memo about 2 hours too late.  I don't really care for watching sports, but the Mavs are playing again tonight and I'm pretty sure we are going to get together with some peeps to watch that (and play Risk: 2210 at the same time).  We were also supposed to finish our Call of Cthulhu session with Marshall tonight, but I have a feeling that will get postponed.

Map of Day  10:

Total distance: 2.30 miles
Total time: 31.5 minutes

Current weight: 230.0  lbs (What the heck?! I ate hardly anything yesterday!)
Walk pace: 16:49 /mi
Run pace: 11:41 /mi

Here's the interval schedule for Week 4:
5 minute warmup walk
3 minute jog
90 second walk
5 minute jog
2.5 minute walk
3 minute jog
90 second walk
5 minute jog
5 minute cooldown walk

Walk pace is way down, and run pace is + :30.  I don't know what to think about gaining 3 pounds in a day.  Retarded!  My legs are pretty tight, but that tends to go away by the end of the day.  The morning after is always the worst (I'm leaving you wide open here).
Day 10 complete!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 9

Great summer.  So far I have done absolutely nothing.  I tried to do some research on genealogy, but quickly realized that I am at a brick wall with the people that I want to know more about. 

I'm now using two apps with my runs: Nike+ GPS and Couch to 5K

The C25K app is great in that it is completely programed for the specific intervals that I need to be running.  It also has some great record tracking in it.  It puts my run/walk pace on separate graphs.  I like it.  CON:  It stops recording EVERYTHING as soon as I get to the end of my 5 minute cooldown.  On my current route, I am usually 0.05 mi from my house at that point, so the distance and time spent running it tracks is not totally accurate.  Also, sometimes it shows that I'm crossing a street when I'm not....weird.

The Nike+ GPS app is great too, and it fills in for the inadequacies of the C25K app.  The GPS tracking on it is seemingly more accurate.  I can have this running in the background and it will track my full distance for the day.  It is not setup for interval training and does not distinguish between running and walking, so it's pace record is not accurate.

I'll be using these apps to record better my stats for the runs.  The running maps will probably show a slightly different distance that what I actually ran.

Map of Day  9:

Total distance: 1.97 miles
Total time: 29 minutes

Current weight: 227.5 lbs
Walk pace: 17:11 /mi
Run pace: 11:09 /mi

I pushed my running speed much more in the first two sections of running.  I took the last 1.5 and 3 minute runs pretty normal, until the last minute of the 3 minute run.  I pushed that pretty hard.

Updating the last weeks worth of posts to include walk/run pace and adjusting time and distance appropriately.

Thus concludes Week 3.

Day 9 complete!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 8

Schoooooooooooooooool's out for summer!  The graduation festivities have gotten in the way of my running for this week, but so is life.   : )  I'm really proud of all of the graduating band students.  They are leaders in so many aspects of their lives, and I am gracious for being a part of their education!  I can't wait to see them return next year at Homecoming.

We have church today then we are going to jazz band pianist's solo recital.  I'm very excited for that.  I know she'll do a fantastic job.

Map of Day  8:

Total distance: 1.97 miles
Total time: 30 minutes

Current weight: 228.5 lbs (I blame this on Gloria's!)
Walk pace: 17:24 /mi
Run pace: 11:57 /mi

Katie ran with me today and we started at 6:25 AM.  It was fun to run in the morning, but wow does Melissa STINK at that time!  I don't know if dogs had been out takin' care of business the whole morning or what, but it was pretty rank.  Never had to worry about the heat which was nice.  We had to wait on a guy pulling out of his driveway, so that set us back a little, but we added a quick little run at the end to catch back up.  When we reached the halfway point, we were quite a ways behind where I was last run.  We were able to make the second half of our run a little faster to catch up and it worked out great.  I'm really excited the second half was faster...if I want a part to get quicker, this is the part!

My knee is starting to hurt at the beginning and middle of the run, but by the time I get home I don't notice it.  When I go into the doctor for my summer checkup, I'll bring it up and see what he says.  Shins hurt pretty bad at the very beginning of the first jog portion, but it goes away after about a minute and never returns.

I'm so glad for the summer.  Now I feel like I can make the every other day run without any problems.

Day 8 complete!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 7

The school year is winding down!  Finished some auditions at the MS today.  Did a little planning at the HS.  More of the same for tomorrow.

Map of Day  7:

Total distance: 1.97 miles
Total time: 30 minutes

Current weight: 227.5 lbs
Walk pace: 16:49 /mi
Run pace: 11:40 /mi

A little hot, but not a bad run.  Ran around 6:30 PM.  I'll probably run a little later next time.  Knees are aching pretty badly during and after my runs now, but other than that I'm feeling good.  The pacing changed for Week 3.  It is now run 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, run 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes.  You rep this twice with a five minute warmup and a five minute cooldown.  I'm thinking that now would be a good time to invest in some real running shoes.

Day 7 complete!