Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 25

I went back and did the last day of Week 8 for this run, since I skipped it in Colorado.

Today's Run:
5 minute warmup
28 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 25:

Total distance: 2.58 miles
Total time: 38 minutes
Current weight: 220 lbs
Walk pace: 16:39 /mi
Run pace: 13:54 /mi

I wish I could show you what my pace looked like!  According to my Nike+ GPS app, I maintained a 12:30 /mi pace for my run...the entire time!  It showed my walking as a Yellow level pace and my running as a Green level pace.  Usually you can see my pace flucuating up and down, but this time, my run was all green!  I could maintain talking while running, and it would have been no problem.  I'll begin to slowly pick up the pace, but not too much, and not too quickly.

Day 25 complete!

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