Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 22

Morning run.  Nice and cloudy!  3 minutes longer, but I ran much slower at the start so that I could keep a more consistent speed.  I still sprinted the last 2 minutes at about a 8.5 min/mi pace.

Today's Run:
5 minute warmup
28 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 22:

Total distance: 2.70 miles (.9 less than last run)
Total time: 38 minutes
Current weight: 222.5
Walk pace: 16:13 /mi (:13 seconds slower)
Run pace: 13:33 /mi (1:37 seconds slower)

Walk pace slower.
Run pace a lot slower.
3 minutes longer, to go the same distance.

This must be a resting day for me, but that doesn't make it any better.  I would rather run faster at the beginning for better results, and actually feel tired, than what I did today.

Day 22 complete!

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