Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 4

I caught 3 kids skipping class today.  That was fun. 

We got our first movement of the marching show music for the drumline (battery) yesterday.  I'm really happy with the work of our arranger, Adam Clay.  Click his name if you want to check out his work.  Adam was one of the bass techs at Bluecoats Drum and Bugle Corps when I was marching. 

Week 2 of C25K lengthens your run and walk times.  You now run for 90 seconds and walk for 2 minutes, with a 5 minute warmup at the beginning.  The free plan says to do this set for 20 minutes, but for the mathematically astute, that doesn't really work out.  Since these are 3.5 minute sets, I made the executive decision to do 6 sets for a total of 21 minutes, with a 5 minute brisk walk. 

Map of Day 4:

Total distance: 1.96 miles
Total time: 26 minutes

Current weight: 228.5 lbs

We changed our route significantly today.  We loop around the outside of the subdivision, which was nice since the sun was setting and the second half of our run was blocked from the sun by the subdivision's wall.  We ended at our house just as the final walk cycle ended.  Also, our brisk walk at the beginning is starting to go faster, and we are covering more distance before we actually start the first set.
No podcast listening today.  We just talked about our days whenever I could catch my breathe.  She is awesome at this and regains her ability to talk well before me!
My brother is Skyping in tonight and we are going to get our role playing on!
Day 4 complete!

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