Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 1

May 15, 2011 (posted a day late)

Yesterday, Katie and I discussed some things that we wanted to change about our lifestyle. I committed to eating breakfast out less and to start a running regimen. She committed to wanting me to eat breakfast out less and start a running regimen. I honestly can't remember that she committed to anything. She has been running on her own off and on for about two months, and I think that she wanted me do to the same. : ) She doesn't have a problem eating breakfast out.

I did some research online and came to the C25K program at the link below:

Turns out one of my coworkers and her husband are also doing the Coach to 5K program. I printed off the free guide, downloaded an interval timer app for my iPhone (it is called Interval Timer - For Fitness and Workouts). The app is easy to program and will play timer sounds over your iTunes music.

The first week of C25K is three workouts. It starts with a brisk five-minute warm-up walk. Then alternates 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes (25 if you include the 5 minute warm-up).

Map of Day 1:

Total distance: 1.80 miles
Total time: 25 minutes

There were a lot of people mowing yards this afternoon and it was pretty rough on my allergies. For Day 2, I need to take some meds before I go out. Wheezing continued for about 2 hours after I got inside. Took two allergy pills as soon as I got inside.

Today, I was listening to a podcast that I have become addicted to. It is a recording of a Call of Cthulhu role playing session. I'm on episode 31 of the Horror on the Orient Express campaign. It's seems like a great way to keep my mind off the work of running.

Day 1 complete!

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