Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 3

Busy day today with church, lunch with friends, trip to my FLGS (read: Friendly Local Game Store,, and grocery shopping.  Trying to get The Witcher to work on my Windows 7 x64 OS without much luck when I decide to just go do my run.  Also, we have a Tornado Watch till 9:00 PM and I can see the storms brewing on the radar.

Katie and I did the interval training together again.  Only two mowers today, and I took my allergy pill before hand.  No trouble breathing after the run.  Temperature 88 F + Humidity 70% = Lots of sweat.

Map of Day 3:

Total distance:  1.65 miles
Total time:  24 minutes (I finished the last set of running as I reached my house)

Current weight:  228.5 lbs

I changed my run slightly and ran to the very front entrance of our subdivision, which meant that I didn't need to run past my house at the end.  I did leave off about a minute of of walking at the end of the session, which means that I actually would have traveled about the same distance as the past two days.  If would have probably made it about 1.8 miles if I had walked the last bit.

Continued listening to the Bradford players play Horror on the Orient Express (  I'm on podcast #33, which means that I have listened to roughly 66 hours of them playing this game.  Now I just need to find more people to actually play with!  I'm trying to get my brother, a Marine stationed at 29 Palms in CA, to Skype in and play with Katie and I.

Day 3 complete!

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