Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 2

I called Katie after finishing high school percussion auditions today and she mentioned dinner and maybe a run afterwards.  I was not feeling it today as I have a pretty bad headache.  When I got in the car to come home, I remembered that I had some Excedrin in my glove compartment, so I popped one of those bad boys in my mouth.

Got home (only 30 minute drive today!) and my headache was already starting to wane.  I chowed down the sausage and veggies she had prepared (awesome!) and then she brought up the run.  I brought up that I wanted to play Call of Cthulhu with her (I finally got her to create her character last night!).  She agreed to play with me after the walk.  I should point out that she said she would not play the whole session, only "a little of it".  I let her know that I was planning on doing my interval jogging and not just walking.  I think that made her happy.  I took an allergy pill before I left today (a good choice).

Map of Day 2:

Total distance:  1.88 miles
Total time:  25 minutes

Current weight:  230 lbs

Only one person mowing his yard this afternoon.  About halfway through the run, I knew that I was a little further along than Day 1.  We reached the house about 1 minute earlier than yesterday, so I lengthened the final stretch a bit.  Tight chest for about an hour after the jog, but no wheezing today.  Either the pollen was not as bad today, or the pill helped.  I'll probably keep taking that before I go out.
Didn't listen to any music/podcast today.  Talked to Katie for about first 10 minutes, then it was too hard to talk, so I just said, "Run" and "Walk" when my interval timer went off.
My legs are starting to feel a little tense, but so far I haven't gotten a stitch in my side and no pains during the run.  I've just got to train myself to breath better during the exercise.
Day 2 complete!

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