Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 2 - C25K faster!

I'm finally caught up on my blogposts.  This is my run journal for tonight.

Today's Run:
5 minute warmup
1 minute run
1.5 minute jog
Repeat Run/Jog interval 7 more times

1 minute run
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 2:

Total distance: 2.30 miles (.80 short of a 5k)
Total time: 31 minutes
Current weight: 217.5 lbs (lost .5 lbs)
Walk pace: 15:22 /mi (slower)
Run pace: 10:19 /mi (:28 faster!)
Fastest run pace: 8:43 /mi (:20 slower)

It was really freakin' hot outside.  Luckily, I started running at 8:30, and the sun was down mostly before I actually started running.  I kept my 9 minute run pace for the first 6 runs, then I slowed down slightly.  I'm very excited about that.  : )  I couldn't imagine myself doing this 9 weeks ago!

Day 2 complete!

Day 1 - C25K faster!

August 3, 2011

Since the catalyst of me wanting to run was that I wanted to lose weight, I think my next choose makes the most sense. In reading forums and talking to folks I know that run, it seems that running at a faster pace will cause you to lose weight faster, which makes complete sense to me. I have decided to do the same program again (C25K), but I am actually running (a 9-11 minute pace) when it tells me to run, and I am jogging (aiming for a 13 minute pace) when it tells me to walk. By the time I get to the longer runs, I'm planning on keeping the faster "run" pace.

Today's Run:
5 minute warmup (15-16 min pace)
1 minute run (9-11 minute pace)
1.5 minute jog (13 minute pace)
Repeat Run/Jog interval 7 more times

1 minute run
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 1:

Total distance: 2.30 miles (.80 short of a 5k)
Total time: 31 minutes
Current weight: 217.5 lbs (lost .5 lbs)
Walk pace: 14:55 /mi (faster)
Run pace: 10:47 /mi (2:38 faster)
Fastest run pace: 8:23 /mi

The running was challenging, but I like the change of pace of doing interval training again.  I kept up the running pace for the first 3 runs, then I started to get slightly slower.

Day 1 complete!

Day 27

June 28, 2011

This is a little late posting, but I wanted to post the details for my final run of the program.  I finished!!!

Today's Run:
5 minute warmup
30 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 27:

Total distance: 2.74 miles (.36 short of a 5k)
Total time: 40 minutes

Current weight: 218 lbs (same weight)
Walk pace: 15:56 /mi (slower)
Run pace: 14:11 /mi (slower)

Don't remember much about the run, and I put in my app that I felt good.  So proud of myself for remaining commited to this program and finishing it out!

Day 27 complete!  PROGRAM COMPLETE!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 26

Next to last run, before I complete my training program.  Now I'll be on the lookout for a new program.  I think that I want to build up my speed, but I'm not totally sure.  I also have been working on a drumline t-shirt, and here is the concept that I created!

Hopefully, that doesn't go through any anti-aliasing when you blow it up to see it.  Totally ruins the effect.  : )  The back is all 5x5 pixel lettering that lists all of the kids.  I had to do all of this pixel by pixel.  Kids loved how it turned out.  I know a couple of art ppl read this...any suggestions?

Today's Run:
5 minute warmup
30 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 26:

Total distance: 2.81 miles (.29 short of a 5k)
Total time: 40 minutes
Current weight: 218 lbs (lost 2 lbs)
Walk pace: 16:42 /mi
Run pace: 13:25 /mi (29 seconds faster)

A very easy run.  I'm looking forward to training myself to run a touch faster.  This has gotten so easy!  The real challenge is going to be making the hour time block to devote to getting ready, running, and showering during the school year.

Day 26 complete!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 25

I went back and did the last day of Week 8 for this run, since I skipped it in Colorado.

Today's Run:
5 minute warmup
28 minute jog
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 25:

Total distance: 2.58 miles
Total time: 38 minutes
Current weight: 220 lbs
Walk pace: 16:39 /mi
Run pace: 13:54 /mi

I wish I could show you what my pace looked like!  According to my Nike+ GPS app, I maintained a 12:30 /mi pace for my run...the entire time!  It showed my walking as a Yellow level pace and my running as a Green level pace.  Usually you can see my pace flucuating up and down, but this time, my run was all green!  I could maintain talking while running, and it would have been no problem.  I'll begin to slowly pick up the pace, but not too much, and not too quickly.

Day 25 complete!

Monday, July 18, 2011

RMNP Hiking - Flattop Mountain

July 14, 2011

We hiked up to Flattop Mountain on Thursday.  A strenuous hike, but entirely worth the effort!  8.60 miles round trip. According to the books, it is 8.8, but they must have measured further down the trail than where we stopped! Burned over 1200 calories on this hike.  3.5 hours up and 2.5 hours back down.  Awesome!

View from Flattop Mountain

RMNP Hiking - The Loch

July 13, 2011

We hiked Glacier Gorge to The Loch on Wednesday.  Little bit harder hike, but still awesome.  5.60 miles round trip. According to the books, it is 6.6, but they must have measured further down the trail than where we stopped! Burned over 800 calories on this hike.  3.5 hour hike.

The Loch