Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 1 - C25K faster!

August 3, 2011

Since the catalyst of me wanting to run was that I wanted to lose weight, I think my next choose makes the most sense. In reading forums and talking to folks I know that run, it seems that running at a faster pace will cause you to lose weight faster, which makes complete sense to me. I have decided to do the same program again (C25K), but I am actually running (a 9-11 minute pace) when it tells me to run, and I am jogging (aiming for a 13 minute pace) when it tells me to walk. By the time I get to the longer runs, I'm planning on keeping the faster "run" pace.

Today's Run:
5 minute warmup (15-16 min pace)
1 minute run (9-11 minute pace)
1.5 minute jog (13 minute pace)
Repeat Run/Jog interval 7 more times

1 minute run
5 minute cooldown

Map of Day 1:

Total distance: 2.30 miles (.80 short of a 5k)
Total time: 31 minutes
Current weight: 217.5 lbs (lost .5 lbs)
Walk pace: 14:55 /mi (faster)
Run pace: 10:47 /mi (2:38 faster)
Fastest run pace: 8:23 /mi

The running was challenging, but I like the change of pace of doing interval training again.  I kept up the running pace for the first 3 runs, then I started to get slightly slower.

Day 1 complete!

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